I live in a real nice area where damn near everyone is friendly, takes care of their yards, respects each others property and privacy, and keeps to them fucking selves. But, lucky me, the white trash inbred hill jacks just rolled into town fresh from the Twin Twigs Trailer Park Emporium and moved where? Right behind fucking me! Mother fuck me up the ass. FUCK! You can't possibly imagine how incredibly white trash these fucking losers are. They truly take the cake of every piece of fucking shit I have ever lived by before. They have two inbred kids who are constantly screaming at the top of their lungs when they are outside. Good luck sitting on the deck and enjoying the summer anymore. Fuckers. Of course their "parents", they're likely brother and sister, don't do fucking jack shit. And naturally the cunt was preggers when they moved in. Great. Let's keep that welfare line growing you GED dropout sperm catcher.
Apparently the father, who is bald and more white than the inside of Keith Richards nose, got a raise at the local Dollar General to move them out of the trailer park. These fuckers have only mowed three times in six months! And I swear to God, it was the pregger slut sack out doing it! The house was really nice, formerly lived in by an elderly couple who took great care of the house and yard but retired to Florida to make room for hillbilly's-R-us. They have yet to rake up one cock sucking leaf! Thanks, because it will just blow in the neighbors yard, you fucking inconsiderate sewer monkeys. Every window has a different color sheet hanging in it and their little fence is now broken and lying all over the yard. I swear they're trying to turn our neighborhood into some sort of upper class trailer park.
I can't count how many fantasies I've had about blowing that fucking house up with all those bottom feeders in it. I do have my dog trained to take a shit in their front yard though. Not like they would ever notice. I think that's where their goat-kids crap. And what fucking kills me is that we have an association that makes you keep up your shit. WTF?!?! Obviously it's time for me to take matters into my own hands. If anyone knows where I can big up some cheap grenades, please leave your number.
Neighbors make or break a good home, no question about it. I keep thinking they're too fucking poor to live in my area for too long, or at least thats what in my prayers at night. Somethings gotta give, because I can't take another summer of those fuckers. Especially now that they added another toothless mouth to their herd.
Fucking neighbors SUCK!
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