When I was growing up, a school shooting was the day they took your picture for the year book. And if someone brought a knife to school, he was a bad mudda fucka. And if you didn't like somebody, you met them across the street after school and wailed on each other and when it was done, you went back to being friends. Now every other under achieving pizza faced puke is packing heat, hooked on meth, or has there own porn site. Nice. And if school wasn't bad enough, these fucking losers who try to "home" school their kids might as well just drop them off at Bob Evans so they can begin their illustrous career. Yeah, I'm sure your fucking house gives out a ton of scholarships to colleges. You fucking ignorant fetus plant.
It's truly amazing when I see all the fucking crap parents buy their mistakes just so they don't have to spend time with the bastards. They sit on their computers on my space, downloading music, sending their ugly butt face into my tube so they can think they're "someone". Heaven forbid if someone unplugged the shit and made them crack open an actual book and watch them while they did their homework so they could learn to fucking speak and write with the rest of the fucking world. You can already tell today how these fucking piss ants have no clue on how to act and interact with society. Pay attention your next time at a drive through.
Now you see where all their time online is catching up with these rodent teens, because potential employees check online to see pics of them snorting coke and getting banged by 12 guys. Nice. I can see in the future when employers have people fill out an application and request a copy of their sex tape they made while in junior high. If they didn't make one, there's the door.
This world has been going down the shit chute since the sixties and there isn't a plunger big enough to clean the bowl. Thank god I didn't add to this shit by thinking I needed to reproduce to justify my existence. I bet if you could interview sperm and ask them if they wanted to hit the egg to join the shit fest known as the world, they would opt out. Ya see, I don't think that one sperm is stronger than all the others that gets through, it was the dumb one, and the others chose to go down the toilet. Poor fucker.
Yeah, you know it's true, kids suck!
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