If you are under the age of 3o years old, this will probably not make any fucking sense to you. Because your brain has been inundated with so much putrid garbage and mind numbing "entertainment" and "talent" that you are unable to fully function on your brains own power without the aid of an iPod hooked up to your own My Space page while you are on your iPhone texting your BFF's to check out your face book page that you just updated but are putting them on hold because your getting a text message of your other BFF's pic of her flashing her tits at yet another party that's "off the hook". Oh, and if this does fit you, just let me add, nice back tatt! It's SO original.
Now, I honestly haven't watched more than 5 minutes of any award show in probably the last 10 years, because, well.....let's face it, they're all just boring as hell with 90% of the same fucking fucky McFucktards that are there every shitty fucking year. They do their best acting job acting like they like each other and it's just so fucking laughable at how God Damn stupid these cum lappers are. They take themselves so fucking serious it makes you want to vomit in your dogs mouth while you french kiss them. Yeah, like I'm the only one it's ever happened to. Right!
It's just amazing how transparent these people are, but yet every year, true to American form, millions of brain dead screen droolers will turn in for 6 hours to watch these flesh puppets try to say anything in the least bit interesting and struggle to do so without a script or teleprompter in front of thier dumb fucking asses. And here's the killer, they actually think people give a shit what they say. Well some do. (please refer to paragraph #1)
When I was younger, award shows were truly something to behold. They really were. And I'll tell you why. Because unlike today, back then movie 'stars' weren't constantly on the cover of a 100 rags in the checkout line and on a wadzillion different websites every fucking day! We knew very little about our movie stars, thier personal lives, their beliefs, and THAT'S THE WAY WE LIKED IT! For fuck sakes, they're just fucking actors people! Today, every fucking tard that had a line in a film thinks they have the right to spew thier shit like people care. Um...WE DON'T. Just do the film and go the fuck away. I'm sorry, but stars were different then. Leading men were just that...MEN. Today, they're fucking PUSSY'S. Look up at how many stars enlisted in WWII. Oh, how about Jimmy Stewart, Glenn Ford, Eddie Albert, Raymond Burr, Lee Marvin, Clark Gable, Charleton Heston, Charles Bronson just to name a few. Um, how many "stars" enlisted to join the Iraq war? If you can think of just ONE, let me know.
Another thing that drives me fucking nuts, is that these monkey balls get together every other week to give themselves an award for putting out like 5 half ass movies all year long out of 1000. So basically, 0.015% of their work is worth watching, and this of course deserves to spend millions of dollars on award shows to pat each other on the back and tell each other what a great job they are all doing. Yeah, it's just like real life! Everytime I make a copy on the Savin 5830 scanner without getting my penis in the picture for that upcoming report for the boss , I get a statue, a check, and a day off from work. Man, am I good or what!
"Award" Shows SUCK!
We didn't scare you away from CDaN did we? Come back! Many people quite love you. I myself have LOLed on many occasions. Seriously, if I said something to offend you, I'm sorry.
Moosh is reading my mind.
come back and play.
we're just a bunch of nutty bitches and we need a male target otherwise its no fun. LOL.
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