But fuck him, the God Damn corporation needs their $1,013 from him so someone can buy their illegitimate rat bastard kid a new PlayStation game or their mistress another couple of rocks to keep her big fucking mouth shut so she won't go blabbing to the fat ugly fucking wife that he's been sticking his limp Viagra injected peen in her disease crusted baby hole. Yeah, I can understand that. Happens everyday. So they did what any good American business would do. Yup! Shut him off. So, in January, they turned the heat off on the house of an American WWII veteran who is 93 years old. Oh, and it just so happens, he died INSIDE his house of hypothermia 2 days later. Yeah, I know. What a pussy. Fucking loser.
So of course the poor over worked and over corrupt cops are bothered at Dunkins to come out and investigate. After no answer at the door, they force their way in only to find this 93 year old man frozen to death INSIDE his house. During the investigation on site, the ever so clever police "discovered" on the gentleman's kitchen table was an over due notice from the utility company, with over a thousand dollars in CASH paper clipped to the bill which he intended to pay the same day he froze. Jesus...this fucker couldn't have made it down to the bus stop and come downtown in sub zero temps to give them their money they so rightfully deserve?!? You know the utility company is fucking PISSED that they are probably going to have to go to court and sue his frozen corpse to try and get that thousand bucks. Oh, and they will. Trust me.
Isn't Amercia just the bestest place in the whole widest world?!?! A place where persistence, fortitude, strength, the need for survival, service and the right to prevail is still alive and well and a model for all that follow?
Um, I am talking about the Utility Company and not the 93 year old WWII vet.....right?!?!
I forget.
UPDATE* The frozen vet left his entire savings to a local hospital. Now go get that from them Utility Company. Fuckers. Take note of a TRUE Amercian you greedy fuking McFucktards!
http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/02/04/freezing.death.folo/index.htmlfull story below
...proud to be an American, where we let old people freeze...Fuck that. I love my country, but sometimes America Sucks.
Its a business not a charity. Are they supposed to bail out everyone? Or only those who really need it? And who decides that? How do they know when to stop helping people so they can stay afloat and still provide service to their paying customers? What happens when having a heart makes the company go under and no one has utilities? Yeah. Its fun to play outraged, not so much to think of it in terms of practicality and logistics.
BTW I did a little research on this, and it turns out, the real issue here is not keeping an eye on our elderly. The state of Michigan is not allowed to shut off the power of an elderly person in the winter. What happened was they placed a device on his power box that blows a fuse when a certain amount of power is exceeded. To turn the power back on, the customer must go outside and flip a switch on the device. The power company left a note for the man, but did not tell him directly. He had over a half a million in savings and more than enough money to pay his bill, but because he had no one in his life looking out for him, he ended up suffering.
I miss having you commenting over at CDAN. Hope you will come back soon.
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