Well, well, well. Did everyone enjoy the "Big Game"? What a great super bowl party. There were about 26 people in my living room. Not really, there were only 2 of us, but I have multiple personalities, so I'm like a gang wherever I go. Anyways, here is what I saw that sucked during my couch proned food orgy tv fest. (just an average day really).
Pre-Game Sucks: Did you catch the interview with Matt Lauer and Hussein Obamalamadingdong? Matt holds up the recent cover of US magazine, and mentions that he's not on the cover, just Michelle and the girls. The president says "I lost my spot to Jessica Simpson, who appears to be battling a weight issue". OUCH. Burned by the president on National live television. How will she respond? Will Jessica: a) loose weight. b) sue the president for damaging remarks. c.) have Tony Romo beat him up. d.) Be so humiliated that she locks herself inside a Krispy Kreme doughnut shop and eat her pain away until Oprah has to do an intervention and pay for the wall to be taken down and have a crane take her to Jenny Craig's mountain celebrity rehab retreat for emergency defattening.
1st Half Sucks: Pretty damn boring except towards the end of the half. But I thought the 3-D commercial was cool. Oh, and just to show how cool my life is, I actually got the very last 3-D glasses at the store. That's just how damn lucky and golden my entire life has been. FUCK! We're out of hamburger helper again?!?
Half Time Sucks: The only thing that sucked during the half time mini-concert of Bruce Springsteen and the "E" Street Band is that it just wasn't long enough damn it. The Super Bowl should have a Super Half Time show, that extends 2 or 3 hours for a normal concert. Let everyone at home and at the game get totally fucked up and wasted. It can only enhance every one's viewing pleasure. But seriously Boss, could have done without the sliding crotch into the camera. Thanks for making me question my sexuality pal.
Second Half Sucks: Did you just happen to notice just a tad bit of yellow during the second half? I haven't seen that many flags since I went on a blind date with a psycho escaped ex-con meth addict with 8 illlegitimate kids. It's ok, I'll wait until you get that one. Well, there were 18 flags thrown. Penalties against Steelers: 56 yards. Penalties against Cardinals: 106 yards! Now, first off, I honestly didn't give a shit about who won, so I really am not biased here. But the unbelievable bad calls against the Cardinals were fucking embarrassing. Not for the Cardinals, for the fucking asshole Referees! Some of them were SO fucking obviously non-existent. I've seen harder hits in FLAG football. I hope those Refs enjoy their new Cadillacs the Steelers bought them before the game. But, the one that killed me, was the Steelers James Harrison BEATING THE SHIT out of a poor Cardinal already on the ground. That piece of shit should have been EJECTED from the fucking game. It was UNREAL and disgusting the actions of the Steelers players and the horrible officiating.
All in all it was a truly exciting and good Super Bowl, but it will be marred by yet another FUCKING HORRIBLE SHIT SUCKING BRAIN DEAD CORRUPT CROOKED FUCKING INBRED BLIND ASSHOLE REFEREES! Man, that felt goooooood! This is the only shitty fucking grainy vid of the Henderson fucking asshole shit he pulled I could find.
I can only imagine how much better it would have been if the fucking Refs would have giving the Cardinals a FAIR chance. Well, they did give them a chance I guess. A FAT CHANCE IN HELL! (ha! see what I did there? I'm ever so clever, no?)
don't take it personal..CDAN just has some people who try to ruin it for everyone by stirring shit up. and yes some people see you as a threat becasue they only blog for attention in their shit lives.
i for one am happy to share the bullseye with you!
we all enjoy your commnets and insight.
you know what?
Haters SUCK! there...your next post lol.
I think people who smoke suck. especially the ones who sit around drunk and play 12 string guitar like a fuckin 70's rock fuck. Amplathecticly so to speak.
Too many men on the bench...15 yds
Blantanly giving me a 08 cadi when the 09's are available...15yds
Too many whities on the field...10 yds
They really do suck!
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