In this unprecedented time of economical strife, rampant crime, record breaking layoffs and unemployment, the Indiana legislature is busy in the house trying to pass a law banning ALL buildings in the entire state from smoking. Yeah, they sure have their finger on the pulse of the country.
First things first. If you don't smoke, great. Fucking happy as ice nipples for ya. For those of us who do, we are once again being 'told' that we now can't smoke anywhere but in our homes and our vehicles. America....Land of the FREE. Um, nope. Pursuit of happiness. Puhleeze. Liberty and Justice for some. Damn straight! I believe everyone has a right to breathe. Yup, fine. But what the REAL issue is at stake, is basic rights....FOR ALL! Even the SMOKERS! I'm SO fucking sick and tired of getting treated like a non-citizen because I CHOOSE to smoke. I pay MORE taxes than non smokers because of the high taxes put on cigs. So, if they want everyone to stop, where will the state get the money to supplement the loss of tax income?!?
Maybe we should start putting high taxes on fatty foods and fast food joints and tax the fuck out of fat asses! Non smokers say that smokers are just killing themselves and they are having to pay the hospital and medical costs. Are you fucking kidding me?!? Nobody..repeat...NOBODY has EVER paid MY fucking hospital bills. EVER! How many fat fucks are in the doctor's office because of their fat fucking ass and their high blood pressure, over worked hearts, weak bones from carrying around all their tonnage? If non smokers don't want smokers to "kill themselves", ummm...why don't you just out law bars and taverns?!? Many of a non smokers have left bars fucked up off their asses and killed Innocent drivers! Why don't we out law all bars then? Save the non smokers! Give me a fucking titty break.
I have smoked since I was a teenager. My great aunts, uncles, parents, etc., have ALL smoked. My Great Uncle smoked THREE packs a DAY! Lived alone in his own house until the day he died at 92 years old. Not ONE person in my entire family has ever had a heart attack, lung disease, respiratory problems, nadda. My doctors have told me that I am actually HEALTHIER than thier non-smoking patients! Becuase even though I CHOOSE to smoke, I also workout several times a week and watch what I eat. So what's the deal? How come we all didn't die in an iron lung? What about the people who die of lung and heart disease who have NEVER smoked in their lives? What about the 'healthy' people who keel over at 40 from a heart attack who never smoked? And don't EVEN try to pull that second hand smoke bullshit. Most non smokers surround themselves with non smokers.
It's plain and simple. It's fucking genetics people. You're born with it, or your not. My doctor even agrees with me on this. Yeah, maybe if you are born with it, smoking might trigger it, and boom, you drop dead faster than an MTV show. So learn your family history. But to try and CONTROL people on how to run they're own lives by indulging themselves in LEGAL activities is just beyond American and what it USED to stand for. This fucking PC shit has turned this country into nothing more than a bunch of fucking whiners and complaining pussies. They better think long and real fucking hard on what they think they want. Nobody thinks about the future and how this devastates an economy. My hometown is about a ghost town now because of this same stupid fucking law. Oh, but people are now 'healthier' even though they are now out of jobs and sleeping on the streets. You want all bars/taverns/restaurants to be non smoking? Ok! Guess what? There are hardly any left now. We quit going out. Nice job you fucking unAmerican fucktard holier than thou non-smoking piece of fucking shit heads. Go PC yourself to death. Preferably in another country!
Unfucking real.
You know what asshole? I used to smoke. Now I realize how fucking disgusting and foul a habit it is. Do you have ANY idea, how fucking horrible it smells? ANY IDEA? It makes me want to vomit now. I feel like I need to apologize to everyone I smoked around.
Get some fucking balls and quit.
shut your self righteous ex smoker ass up. y'all are the most annoying breed of them all. you quit? great. i gotta giant office party cookie for ya.
know why i keep smoking? so i don't end up a self loathing hypocritical bastard just like you.
i'm gonna go on enjoying life. have fun with your tiddly winks and your dungeons & dragons meetups.
punk ass bitch!
signed! jason e kerr tampa, florida
Ahahaha do you read your comment you anti smoking shit bag? You can't bring anything to the table just ignorance. I hope you die a horrid death.
Just a got a notice from the the PC police at my apartment complex that I can't smoke within 25 feet of any structure. These mother fucking pussy ass bitches can go fucking jump off a bridge. Fuck this bullshit! I'll do what the fuck I want. I choose to live here, I have options! In the age of social media I'll let everyone know what a joke it is to live here. Fuck this. And I agree with the author of this blog, millennials are a bunch of punk ass bitches who sit in a cubicle all day and bitch. FUCK YOU ALL!!!
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