I didn't think it was possible for this piece of shit show to get worse each fucking year, but I was wrong. Now, I didn't watch it, but I am going to safely assume it sucked big hairy monkey balls. I mean, how in the fuck couldn't it suck? When the majority of the lineup is tweenies and 'rappers' out on parole, you know the music industry has officially giving the fuck up and is completely out of new ideas and talent. Miley Cyrus and the BoneUs Brothers?!? Seriously. That's all you got. This is 'music' today? I understand the Grammys trying to be 'popular'. Well, not really. Unless having 2 dogs on the couch with me at the same time at once counts. But if you look at the disaster of the lineup, who in the fuck would watch it unless it was the only channel you got, and you lost your remote, and your legally blind, and the batteries died in your hearing aid?
First up; Rappers. Oh dear heavenly Jebus up in cloud land, I hate these piece of shit fucking posers more than any other life form on our suck ass planet. First of all, why do rappers always say "Just keeping it real", when none of them use their real fucking names?!? WTF?!? How REAL is that? How come pro athletes use their real names but 'rappers' don't? Umm, well, for one, it's extremely fucking gay and they would get the shit beat out of them everyday in the locker room by their teammates. But mostly, athletes are proud of their accomplishments and how hard they WORKED to get where they are (except A-Rod that cunt). So they want to keep their real name so their families can show some well deserved pride. But anybody can say, yeah, T-Bone or Lip Tag or Puff Zitty is my brother. Get the fuck over yourselves and your over inflated egos you fucking ex-cons. Oh, how many even play an instrument?!? Sorry, crack pipes and microphones don't count. I wonder why DMX and Chris Brown weren't there? Oh yeah, busy being 'rappers'. I forget and the shits.
I was unfortunate enough to catch a few glimpses of the Grammys during commercial breaks while watching the antique sofa repair channel. Stevie Wonder was doing some horrible rendition with the BoneUs Brothers of Superstition. Now, Stevie sounded pretty good. I've seen him twice in concert and he's fucking awesome. But hey, here's a shocker, the BoneUs Brothers forgot the fucking lyrics during the song! You know, because they're professional musicians and they're at the Grammys. And they couldn't hit a fucking note if I held it on the ground at their feet. Holy fucking tampon juice! This is what you had for the 'big' closing number? Stevie alone, yeah I can see that. But sadly, once again the Grammys confuse music with popularity. This is why half the crowd was full of fucking 'reality star' has beens and American Idol rejects. These pukes got invited because.... Well, I got nothing here. Somebody explain that 'target' audience to me. No don't. I dont' give a shit. And Paris Hilton was there?!? That walking Petri dish should have been tasered and then beat to a fine bloody pulp by security when she tried to get on the red carpet. Of course while wearing plastic gloves. Safety first kiddies!
The only thing that I liked, was that Robert Plant beat out "Lil Penis" or whatever that ugly fucking piece of non talented thug monkey's name is. And of course, all the rags and talk shows the next day were talking about how Robert Plant looked. Nothing about how he sounded. This is the entire fucking point. It's gotten to the point where it's all about how you fucking look and your bling and your popularity rather than the substance of your talent. This is why I don't need to update my music library. Because most of the music in the last 8 years has sucked, the "musicians" suck, if you go out to a bar and are over the age of 20, you can't stand the fucking shit noise that comes out of the speakers unless your methed out in the middle of a 7 hour skank grind on the dance floor. Or the Kodak Theatre. Same thing.
Grammys SUCK!
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1 comment:
agreed on all points except Stevie Wonder. saw him live in 08 in Vancouver. worst show ever.
epic fail, i was so dissapointed cuz i love that mofo like OctoMom likes endorsements.
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