This is a new post that will appear from time to time. Just random multiple topics that suck with no order or thought process. Hey! Just like my life! Cooool
#1 SUCK: COMPUTERS! Holy mother cat ass fucking piece of shit covered dildo juice! Why in the FUCK is my computer such a piece of whore bait fucking shit!?!? It's not even a fucking year old! It's a Toshiba laptop widescreen and I love it. But lately it's grown a cock and has fucked me in the ass then made me suck my own shit off it every fucking miserable day of my life. NOTHING works right. I used to play online games on this fucking thing all the time. Mostly, World of Warcraft. And fuck you punk zit faced fuckers, I'm a level 80 BADASS fucking warrior! And I'm an officer in my guild, so suck my pee. But now I can't even get logged back into the game. Granted, lately I've been doing a lot of work on my blog as well as other blogs lately, but fuck that faggot shit! WTF?!? And I have a degree in computers and STILL can't get this fucker to run right. Bill Gates better hope like FUCK we don't run into each other.
#2 SUCK: CABLE COMPANIES: So suck on this. My faggot cable company, Dimhouse (Brighthouse) Networks sent me my monthly cable bill. But this time, they didn't include a return envelope for me to send my bill. FUCK YOU asshole paper tree killers I thought to myself. I'll just pay online. Yes, I'll show them with my suave computer techy knowhow. So, I logged onto thier crusty cunted website that is powered by 2 AIDS invested gerbals running in a wheel, and filled out their 24,000 questions and paid my fucking bill. Low and behold, I get a letter from them 5 days later stating that my payment has been "returned" by my bank, AND they added a $35.00 charge! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!? So, I called my bank about this, and they emailed me a statement stating that NO CABLE COMPANY had requested a payment from my account. So I called the cable company, and they said it was because I entered the info wrong. WELL! If I did! Then WHO RETURNED IT?!?! FUCKERS! I told them I have NEVER been late, nor missed a payment EVER. And I will NOT pay this charge. Ya know, you would think they would bend over backwards and suck their own clits to keep customers now days, but not these fucks. Well, they said they would get back to me. I paid the normal fee and we'll have to see what happens. Oh, and BTW, I don't have a choice of cable companies. It's this, or cover my dog in Reynolds Aluminum Foil and attach a speaker wire to him to my TV.
#3 SUCK: DISTANCE: If you're like me, and I've never met anyone who is, so shut the fuck up.
But I live a LONG ways away from my family and friends. Today I had two family members go in for surgery on the same day for the SAME thing! I knoowwww! How creepy is that?!? But it just fucking blows harder than Andy Dick in rehab being that far from your family to be there to support them and help them. Especially when you have fucking absolutely zero going on in your life besides deciding what pair of sweat pants to wear that day and planning your TV schedule. Trust me, I know what it's like to be alone. I've been alone most of my adult life. Even while IN a relationship. But more so, I had to have a co-worker drop me off at the hospital when I went in for surgery to replace 2 disks in my neck. Then he showed up the next day to drive me home. When I had my back surgery, the girl I was dating just "had" to go to Venice the DAY I was having my surgery, because..hey...that's important! And I had to have another friend pick me up from the hospital. Nobody came, no calls, nothing. My poor sister who is having surgery came up from another state to stay with me for a week to help me. I'll never forget that, nor the ones who left me when I needed them most. Distance. It measures both ways.
#1 SUCK: COMPUTERS! Holy mother cat ass fucking piece of shit covered dildo juice! Why in the FUCK is my computer such a piece of whore bait fucking shit!?!? It's not even a fucking year old! It's a Toshiba laptop widescreen and I love it. But lately it's grown a cock and has fucked me in the ass then made me suck my own shit off it every fucking miserable day of my life. NOTHING works right. I used to play online games on this fucking thing all the time. Mostly, World of Warcraft. And fuck you punk zit faced fuckers, I'm a level 80 BADASS fucking warrior! And I'm an officer in my guild, so suck my pee. But now I can't even get logged back into the game. Granted, lately I've been doing a lot of work on my blog as well as other blogs lately, but fuck that faggot shit! WTF?!? And I have a degree in computers and STILL can't get this fucker to run right. Bill Gates better hope like FUCK we don't run into each other.
#2 SUCK: CABLE COMPANIES: So suck on this. My faggot cable company, Dimhouse (Brighthouse) Networks sent me my monthly cable bill. But this time, they didn't include a return envelope for me to send my bill. FUCK YOU asshole paper tree killers I thought to myself. I'll just pay online. Yes, I'll show them with my suave computer techy knowhow. So, I logged onto thier crusty cunted website that is powered by 2 AIDS invested gerbals running in a wheel, and filled out their 24,000 questions and paid my fucking bill. Low and behold, I get a letter from them 5 days later stating that my payment has been "returned" by my bank, AND they added a $35.00 charge! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!? So, I called my bank about this, and they emailed me a statement stating that NO CABLE COMPANY had requested a payment from my account. So I called the cable company, and they said it was because I entered the info wrong. WELL! If I did! Then WHO RETURNED IT?!?! FUCKERS! I told them I have NEVER been late, nor missed a payment EVER. And I will NOT pay this charge. Ya know, you would think they would bend over backwards and suck their own clits to keep customers now days, but not these fucks. Well, they said they would get back to me. I paid the normal fee and we'll have to see what happens. Oh, and BTW, I don't have a choice of cable companies. It's this, or cover my dog in Reynolds Aluminum Foil and attach a speaker wire to him to my TV.
#3 SUCK: DISTANCE: If you're like me, and I've never met anyone who is, so shut the fuck up.
But I live a LONG ways away from my family and friends. Today I had two family members go in for surgery on the same day for the SAME thing! I knoowwww! How creepy is that?!? But it just fucking blows harder than Andy Dick in rehab being that far from your family to be there to support them and help them. Especially when you have fucking absolutely zero going on in your life besides deciding what pair of sweat pants to wear that day and planning your TV schedule. Trust me, I know what it's like to be alone. I've been alone most of my adult life. Even while IN a relationship. But more so, I had to have a co-worker drop me off at the hospital when I went in for surgery to replace 2 disks in my neck. Then he showed up the next day to drive me home. When I had my back surgery, the girl I was dating just "had" to go to Venice the DAY I was having my surgery, because..hey...that's important! And I had to have another friend pick me up from the hospital. Nobody came, no calls, nothing. My poor sister who is having surgery came up from another state to stay with me for a week to help me. I'll never forget that, nor the ones who left me when I needed them most. Distance. It measures both ways.
nice bowl O peens baby!
Ror - I feel ya. I'm alone too, and yes, even in a 20 yr marriage that ended a few years ago. Nobody cares, everyone has their own lives. I reach out, but... Anyways, I'll get off the pity potty now and just say i enjoy your blog and your comments on CDAN.
第142回 天皇賞 秋 2010 今年の波乱を大予想!出走馬の厳選された情報だけを公開…気になるアノ馬の仕上がり具合とは?さらにオッズやデータを分析し、必勝買い目を導き出す!結果につなげるのはあなた次第!
有馬記念 2010 過去のデータから共通する勝ち馬の法則!!注目馬や穴馬などの最新情報を随時公開!
有馬記念 2010 過去のデータから共通する勝ち馬の法則!!注目馬や穴馬などの最新情報を随時公開!
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