So, Ocow is on the tube today and telling everyone why she is fat. Again. What could have cuased it this time Opie? Stedman not forcing the burnt beef curtains enough? It can't be your BFF Gayle. Nobody has seen her lately, so let's assume she is still safely up in your ass. Hmmm...this is perplexing.
She is saying that it's caused from, now get this, you'll love it....it's because her 'life is out of balance". Really. Your life is out of balance. Wow, poor fucking thing. Try having your god damn CHECK BOOK out of balance and see if THAT helps you fucking stop shoving live piggies down your throat. Give me a fucking break. And NOW, she is ALSO saying it's her Thyroid. Un-huh. Life out of balance, thyroid, and NOW she added depression. Yup. Can't be due to the fact that you've been a fucking cow your entire life. Nahhhhh......that's not it.
She is SO fucking full of shit. Now, I know other people have issues, but fuck them, I'm talking about Oprah. Look, she isn't that much older than me. My waist size is the same size since I was discharged from the Marine Corps. Over 25 fucking years ago! BTW, it's 34. It's not what your "blame of the day" you stupid rich fat cow...it's your fucking life style. Simple. You lost it a hundred times before, you just cant keep it the fuck off. So, now you'll do ANOTHER fucking 30 stories on it.
Does she think just becuase she's extremely rich and famous, she knows what the fuck she's talking about?!? You obviously don't know what the fuck you're talking about when it comes to losing weight fatty mcFatass! So STFU and stick to subjects you know! Like kissing celebrities asses and trying to give shit away to a room full of OAK's. (OAK's = Oprah Asshole Kissers).
Oprah SUCKS! Usually everything right off the fucking plate.
All true, but to compare your waist to hers is unfair in that women and men metabolize things differently. Studies show that men lose 25 pounds in the time it takes a woman to lose 5. Not saying she isn't a fucking whale who eats her weepies away, just sayin' a comparison to a man's ability to keep off the weight would be a little unbalanced. You're right in that no one gives a shit and we all know its basically because she has enough money to eat whatever she fucking wants, and has no self control.
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