God I hate this faggot. No, I don't hate fags or lesbos or transgender or whatever the fuck they're called, I really don't. So ease up on the fucking hate mail there pole smoke. I just hate this one. So we were watching American Idol and this sperm vaccum tries to high five a blind contestant! Jesus this twink is a fucking idiot. I guess he was too busy staring at the other dudes ass or trying to get the phone number off a 16 year old boy to rape later to actually pay the fuck attention. That's what your paid for Ryanus! How fucking hard is that? Seriously cock breath.
His doucheduggery was apparent just a few nights ago when he was trying to get Brad and Angelina over for an interview and they totally snubbed his ass. Ryanus was right next to them and they didn't even acknowledge his shit stained dickness. HA! Yeah, let's get somebody to do interviews on the red carpet that NOBODY can stand. Good call you fucktards.
So this opened up the discussion over whether he's a faggot or not. Well, he has said he's not. Oh, okay, well.....if Ryanus said he isn't, I guess he's not. Un-huh. Sure, he's had his pic taken with a few girls over the last couple of years. Wait! A FEW girls?!? If I was him I would be banging every fucking star struck whore I could until my wang rotted off. Then I would go get a wooden cock added to me (Like George Washington did), and fuck the rest of the skanks I missed the first time around. Did you see him with the "Bikini Skank" on Idol? Just a TAD uncomfortable Ryanus? That looked like me getting ready to make out with my dad.
What's truly sad, is that this is the fucking best Hollywood can do! Just fucking hit me in the face with a wooden dildo with nails driven into it. Because that's what if feels like everytime I'm forced to see this prick. And shut the fuck up Carson Daily, you are just equally shitty and faggy as Ryanus. Yeah, these pricks are what we get to look forward to for the next several decades as 'hosts and presenters". Unless.....Carson and Ryanus hook up, and get stuck like dogs, and then fall off their balcony while trying to get unstuck! Fuck you....I can dream fucker.
Ryanus Seacrust SUCKS!
ror you slay me on a daily basis, so i added you to my blog link.
feel the love.
ps DAMNYOU! i fell for your Crash test Dummies clip!
at least it wasn't Superman.
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