
Color SUCKS!

Please watch this clip before reading any further if you haven't already seen it somewhere else. Go ahead, I'll wait. Done? Good. Thoughts? Yeah....me too. I honestly don't even know where in the fuck to begin on bashing these two fucking idiot racist pigs. So, just to be clear, they called The President a nigger. Yup, they called him a nigger. Nice. Yeah, because you know the only people who plays the race card are white folk. This fucking irks me beyond control. And what is even more unbelievable are the fucking idiot, mindless cattle in the crowd cheering to what this fuck stick said! Oh, he's on stage and he's black, so he must be down and cool and he's keeping it real. Me shoving that microphone up his ignorant untalented ass while I take a massive shit so huge in his mouth he'll never spew moronic racist crap again is real.

Let's all remember this clip in 4 or 8 years when Obama is down the river. When a white prez comes back, I'm assuming it's okay for me to hop on a mic and scream that my honkey is back. And I'm proud of the one's who threatened Obama or tried to hurt him while in office. Oh no, can't say that now can I! ?! No, no no. That would be .....well....racist! Un-huh.

But, the biggest thing that REALLY pisses me off is the fucking lack of media attention this is getting. They should be hanging these fucktoids from the God Damn rafters. Having cd burning parties of their shitty fucking music. Boycotting anything they put their stupid made up fucking names on or are attached to. People should be throwing shoes at these uneducated untalented racist fucking puke posers every fucking chance they can get.

Way to go Shawn Carter. (that's 'Jay Z's real name. Nice. Fucking typical). Oh, and nice fucking BUG EYES you fucking ugly mother fucking toad two faced piece of shit!
Way to go Lil' Weeney, or cheesy, or faggy or rappy or whatever the fuck your stupid fucking made up fucking uneducated typical thug ass name is. You just set 'your people' back pre-MLK in years you dumb fucking idiot.

JAY Z SUCKS THE "MANS" COCK! So does his little monkey Lil' whatever his fuck.

Fucking racist assholes.

Color SUCKS!

1 comment:

Angel said...

I just ogtta say this...I freakin love you. You tell it like it is!

I hate Jay Z...and if a white person said this stuff, they would be hung, tarred and feathered...something. But why is it ok for a black person to say this crap? My husband is Black, and he's always walking around saying, "Black Power" and stuff. If I tried to say "White Power" i'd be thrown in jail as a racist!!! I can't help that I'm White and he didn't choose to be Black.

What jerks...poor Beyonce, but then, she probably deserves him.